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Branding Design

Our Comprehensive Branding Design Process
May 10, 2021

Our Comprehensive Branding Design Process

Embarking on the journey to create a successful digital product - a website, a mobile application, or an innovative fusion of both - requires more than just technical prowess. It calls for a compelling visual identity that captures the essence of your brand. This is where Branding Design comes into play.

We've tailored our Branding Design service to complement your vision and set the stage for a memorable and impactful digital venture. Here's a direct overview of our process:

1. Share Your Vision:

Your digital product is a reflection of your vision. You tell us what you envision for your brand, and we incorporate your vision into your branding design process.

2. Research and Analysis:

Success requires understanding your industry inside and out. We dive deep into your niche, conduct competitor analyses, and identify your target audience.

3. Stylescape:

Crafting a brand that resonates with your audience starts with inspiration. We curate a collection of impactful images, transforming them into a Stylescape that speaks directly to your brand's audience.

4. Brand Elements:

Your brand needs an appealing and distinctive look. We create a unique logo that encapsulates your brand's essence and select a harmonious colour palette and typography that aligns with your brand identity.

Here's what you'll receive:

Your tailored Branding Design Book - a comprehensive guide to your brand's visual identity. Within its pages, we document all the visual elements we've crafted throughout the Branding Design process, including:

1. Your primary logo and its various positional variations
Logo sketch
2. Your brand's curated colour palette, complete with colour allocations
Colour scheme
3. Typography guidelines and rules
Typography headings and body display
4. The Stylescape that captures the essence of your brand's visual language
5. Additional visual elements customised to your needs, such as backgrounds, patterns, photos, illustrations, and iconography

This book is your roadmap to maintaining brand consistency across all your digital touchpoints. Whether you continue your journey with us to create your digital product or decide on a different path, this invaluable resource will be your steadfast guide to preserving your brand's visual identity.